‘He drew himself as Nelson, he pitched himself into the sea-storms inhabited by Turner [...] His infants are already wise and he paints Shakespeare and Blake as if, with all their wisdom, they are embryonic’ — Alexandra Harris
Creffield’s portraits and self-portraits are set apart from those of his contemporaries by their fusion of two apparently irreconcilable elements. On the one hand, there is the almost claustrophic closeness of the encounter. But into this is funnelled an enormous breadth of reading, listening and thinking – the product of Creffield’s wide interests in poetry, music and history. Portraiture was a mode in which he could try on different hats – sometimes literally, as when Creffield painted himself as Horatio Nelson, complete with midshipman’s cap. It thereby enabled him to explore, on the one hand, historical representations of masculinity, and on the other canonical figures in the cultural construction of Englishness.
He painted J.M.W. Turner both as a young man, eyebrow knowingly and mischievously raised, and as an old man, bowed by the weight of experience. He painted Mozart at his keyboard, and in the 1980s – while he was embarking on his famous cathedral drawings – completed an astonishingly charged series of figures from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. Late in life, he bought a life-mask of William Blake from the National Portrait Gallery, entering into what he described as ‘a daily conversation through the act of drawing’. ‘In order to understand’ Blake’s radical version of spirituality, Creffield later explained, ‘you have to become a bit deranged yourself.’
Self-Portrait, 1947Oil on board110 x 29cm
Self-portrait, 1959Oil on canvas91 x 76cm
Private collection -
Self-portrait, 1959Charcoal on paper76 x 56cm
Self-portrait (Slade), 1960Oil on board76.5 x 54cm
Beethoven: Death Mask, 1979Charcoal on paper56 x 38cm
Self-portrait, 1980sOil on board76 x 61cm
Nijinsky as Petrushka, 1982Oil on canvas91 x 86cm
Private collection -
Nijinsky as Petrushka, 1982Oil on canvas91 x 86cm
Titania, 1988Oil on canvas91 x 77cm
Titania and Bottom. Study, 1986Charcoal on paper33 x 23.5cm
Elizabeth, 1988Oil on canvas127 x 102cm
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1987Oil on canvas149 x 161cm
Mozart at the Keyboard (After Joseph Lange, 1782–83), 1991Oil on canvas61 x 51cm
Portrait of the Artist's Mother From Memory (Christina May Creffield, 1898–1986), 1992Charcoal on paper38.5 x 28.5cm
Turner as a Young Man , 1993Oil on canvas71.5 x 45.5cm
Turner as an Old Man, 1993Oil on canvas51 x 40.5cm
Nelson (Midshipman), 2005Oil on canvas60 x 50cm
Nelson, 2005Oil on canvas60 x 50cm
Youth & Age, c. 2005Oil on canvas60 x 40cm
Rimbaud in Africa, 2006Oil on canvas41 x 33cm
Rimbaud in Africa, 2006Oil on canvas41 x 30cm
Improvisation on the Life Mask of William Blake, 2007–11Oil on canvas40.6 x 30.5cm
Improvisation on the Life Mask of William Blake, 2007–11Oil on canvas40.6 x 30.5cm